Aug 20, 2010

meh . . .

 . . . that's what day 3 was.  Total meh.  Low energy, didn't feel like doing anything, had to stay in the house, (well, chose to stay in the hose due to the thick smoke enveloping our entire city).  They say day three can be the worst and if that's true then bring on the next seven days baby!  Really, it wasn't that bad, though I did come closer than ever to quitting this thing. 

It seems that the evenings are the hardest to get through.  It could be because I'm so used to sitting at home at night, snacking and drinking, or it could e because I'm not doing enough with my time at home.  I sort of look forward to going back to work just so I'll have something to do during the most tempting hours. 

So far, day 4 seems much better and I'm happy with myself for not throwing in the towel yesterday.  My energy is back.  I'd even say that I have more energy than I do when eating solid food.  I read that this happens but it's really hard to believe until it happens to you. 

Soon the workweek will be over and that means the sultry-intoxicating smell of BBQs wafting through the air.  I think the weekend may be tough, though I haven't yet craved a beer.  This is out of character for me as I normally crave beer continuously throughout the day.  I'm quite happy with this development as one of my goals in completing this cleanse is to rid myself of the last vestiges of the young-adulthood alcoholism that most Canadians seem to share.

Aug 18, 2010

Day 2

So I'm supposed to keep track of my energy level throughout this whole thing as a record of how my body responds.  I'd have to say that my energy on day one was about a 8.5 or 9 out of 10.  Day two was almost as surprising and I would rate my energy at around 7.5 or 8 for the low-points of the day.  It's really shocking that I feel as good as I do considering I haven't eaten anything in two days.

Ugh, sorry for the boring prose here but I don't really feel like writing right now and I'm forcing myself . . . but hey, this is all about making positive changes and to be quite honest, I think it's gonna take more strength and will power to add to this blog for ten days than it's going to be to not consume any solid food.  Mmm, solid food. 

I don't have any cravings for meat just yet.  I don't want a burger, steak or pizza at all, though I find myself cooking with more passion. (I cook for my wife daily, it's something I love doing)  I'm cooking relatively healthy stuff like locally-grown organic produce and fresh-water fish so these dishes really start me salivating.  I think what I want most right now is a big skillet of sauteed beans and mushrooms.

Not that I'm craving too hard though. 

So these two days have been great.  I feel awesome and I have ample energy, even more so than usual.  But I hear day 3 can be rough . . .

Aug 17, 2010

Time to purge, baby.

In an effort to become a super-human being and live forever, I've started "The Master Cleanse" today.

Ok, well I don't really want to live forever, nor do I believe this cleanse will result in my becoming a super-human but I haven't written for quite some time and I have a predilection towards the fantastic whenever I start pounding away on a keyboard.  Alright, so this is day one, the beginning of day one and the first of what will hopefully be ten straight, uninhibited, strong and willful days of this apparently amazing cleanse laid-out in succinct form by Tom Woloshyn in his fabulous book, pictured above.

At this point I'm like . . . three-and-a-half hours in so really, anything could happen but I'm quite positive that I can make it to the end of this thing. If this is the same body which propelled me thought all the decidedly less-honourable marathons of drugs, alcohol and forced wakefulness I put myself through during those wasteful university years, then, (barring the discovery of any supreme damage I may have done myself) I know this body can take it and will rise up at the end rejuvenated. 

My mind however, is another tale indeed.  By far the weakest of my organs is the one that apparently lounges like a  dazed garden slug in the scalding beams of direct sunlight in the caverns of my skull.  Most times I curse my feeble mind and its seeming inability to cope with life effortlessly as everyone else seems to manage.  This time though, I only ask that it stay with me and keep focused company of my other parts and most importantly, my loved ones whom have to bear me while I take this latest whim out for a spin.  If I can maintain my sanity throughout, and even learn a thing or two, then this will have been a worthy venture indeed.

Well, I'm thirsty now.  And it's a good thing too because I can't really be hungry.
